When looking into buying a garden hose, one nice thing to know is how much it weighs. There are certainly a lot of hoses on the market and, as you can imagine, a wide range of weights. In...
Category: Hose FAQ
You are using your garden hose as a permanent or semi-permanent water supply. While it is very convenient leaving it strung out across your yard or property, it may be getting in the way of other...
What Is the Best Material for a Garden Hose? [Discussed w/ Examples]
The type of material that a garden hose is made with greatly impacts its performance and functionality. If you have specific needs for your garden hose, you will want to make sure that the hose...
If you are shopping for hoses, one of the biggest decisions you have to make is what hose material best fits your needs. Rubber hoses are very popular due to how durable and flexible they are. But...
Garden hoses are great tools, but sometimes it can be a bit of a pain to put them away after using them. There are also times where you need to use a hose in a high traffic area and may be wondering...
Calculating the amount of water that is in a 50 foot hose is fairly simple, as the hose is basically a large cylinder. Please remember the diameter of your hose will affect how much water it holds...